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How to write a webapp in Rust

#rust #webdev #webapp #wasm

You could write a webapp in Rust, but why should you do that? And how? This post tries to answer most of your questions. If I missed something, please let me know in the comments.

Why should you write a webapp in Rust?

How to write a webapp in Rust?

To write a frontend in Rust, you could write functions in rust, compile them to WebAssembly, and then use them in JavaScript, or you could use a framework like Yew. We will use Yew in this tutorial. It has an approach similar to React, but it is written in Rust and much more modern than grandpa React.


Create a new project

To create a new project, run cargo generate --git This command creates a new project from the yew-trunk-minimal-template. It is a minimal template for Yew and Trunk.

The alternative is to create a new project from scratch.

Ok, how does it work?

Look at this code. I added a few comments to explain what's going on.

use yew::prelude::*; // Import things you will need quite often.
#[function_component] // Declare a function component. It works like a React functional component.
fn App() -> Html {
let counter = use_state(|| 0); // this looks like React hooks, right? It is more like a Preact signal, but don't mind.
let onclick = {
let counter = counter.clone(); // Take the value
move |_| {
let value = *counter + 1; // Increment it
counter.set(value); // And set it!
html! { // This is valid rust, checked by the compiler. Magic!
<button {onclick}>{ "+1" }</button>
<p>{ *counter }</p>
fn main() {
yew::Renderer::<App>::new().render(); // And render it!

Wow, that was easy, right? But how do you compile it? Run trunk serve to compile it and serve it on http://localhost:8080.

Can we do even better? Yes, we can!

Rust provides powerful enums. We can use them to create messages, that are similar to redux actions.

use js_sys::Date;
// ...
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] // Automagicly add some functionality to the enum
enum Msg {
Increment, // One of the cases of the enum
struct App { // The model of the app
counter: u64,
impl Component for App { // This time it's not functional
type Message = Msg; // The type of the messages
type Properties = (); // We have no props
fn create(_ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Self { // Create the model
Self { counter: 0 }
fn update(&mut self, _ctx: &Context<Self>, msg: Self::Message) -> bool {
match msg { // Every case of the enum MUST be handled
Msg::Increment => {
self.value += 1;
true // Return true to cause the displayed change to update
Msg::Decrement => {
self.value -= 1;
fn view(&self, ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Html {
html! {
// We can set classes
<div class="panel">
// A button to send the Increment message
<button class="button" onclick={|_| Msg::Increment)}>
{ "+1" }
// A button to send the Decrement message
<button onclick={|_| Msg::Decrement)}>
{ "-1" }
// A button to send two Increment messages
<button onclick={|_| vec![Msg::Increment, Msg::Increment])}>
{ "+1, +1" }
// Display the current value of the counter
<p class="counter">
{ self.value }
// Display the current date and time the page was rendered
<p class="footer">
{ "Rendered: " }
{ String::from(Date::new_0().to_string()) }
// ...

Ok, let's recap:

This looks like a react class component, right? But it is much better and powerful. Think of it as a redux reducer and a view function in one.

Can I use it in production?

For small side projects, yes. For big critical projects, maybe wait a bit. Yew is still in development, but it is already quite great.

More resources

Thanks for reading! If you have any questions or comments, comment below. I'd love to hear from you! You may also fix errors or suggest changes in the GitHub repo.
